WATTCO™ large tank heaters consist of three specific heating systems, open coil element pipe insert heaters, single immersion heaters, and flexible tank heaters that can be used in large storage tanks. These systems can be installed in steel, concrete, or fiberglass above or below ground tanks.

WATTCO™ large tank heaters are the best solution for applications that require little or no manual attention and provide small amounts of heat to maintain temperature levels in the tank during the daytime and high performance during nighttime.
Request Information
Unit of Measure

OCT 4 to 20 Kilowatt (kW) Power Rating Large Tank Sectional Air Heater


OCV 6 to 80 Kilowatt (kW) Power Rating Large Tank Sectional Air Heater


OCV 15 to 72 Kilowatt (kW) Power Rating Large Tank Sectional Air Heater
Description N/A WATTCO™ large tank heaters consist of three specific heating systems, open coil element pipe insert heaters, single immersion heaters, and flexible tank heaters that can be used in large storage tanks. These systems can be installed in steel, concrete, or fiberglass above or below ground tanks.

WATTCO™ large tank heaters are the best solution for applications that require little or no manual attention and provide small amounts of heat to maintain temperature levels in the tank during the daytime and high performance during nighttime.
Brands N/A WATTCO™
Voltage N/A 208 to 600 V
Phase N/A 3
Heater Type N/A OCT N/A OCV N/A OCV
System Type N/A Open Coil Elements N/A Large Flexible Tank N/A Large Single Immersion Tank
Operating Temperature N/A 0 to 750 ºF N/A 50 to 225 ºF N/A 50 to 400 ºF
Power Rating N/A 4 to 20 kW N/A 6 to 80 kW N/A 15 to 72 kW
Construction N/A N/A National Pipe Thread (NPT) Welded N/A Welded
Key Features N/A
  • Heating systems:
    • Open coil elements in 2" and 3" schedule 40 NPS pipe
    • Flexible tank heaters for oil and viscous liquids
    • Single immersion heaters for viscous liquids and heat sensitive materials
  • Watt density: 4-72 kW (13.6 -245 MBH)
  • Thermostat for monitoring tank temperatures and energizing heaters
Benefits N/A
  • Easy operation
  • Easy maintenance
  • Low operating costs
Application N/A Large Storage Tanks Pipe Insert N/A Large Storage Tanks Below Ground Storage Tank N/A Large Storage Tanks Viscous Fluid
Warning N/A In unsafe areas, pipe surfaces can reach high temperature that may cause the auto-ignition of nearby hazardous materials.
Single Immersion Heaters N/A
  • Metal sheath or open coil elements installed into 3" schedule 40 NPS steel pipes assembly.
  • Pipes welded into an adapter box for easier field welding of the assembly to the top of a steel tank.
  • Heaters include built-in controls and are mounted in a weatherproof electrical enclosure.
Note N/A When ordering, please specify: Quantity, catalogue no., voltage, phase, wattage, and options.